Name: Todd Wesche
Job Title: HR consultant
Years with CHG: 5
What is your favorite part about working at CHG? The people. I have the opportunity to know the vast majority of the people that work with CHG. The variety I get to see and the goodness I see in them behind the day to day work make my days enjoyable. We are in the business of helping others by the services we provide. I get to see it as our company and employees take care of each other.
What one story best describes your experience at CHG? I watched a leader help to make an employee comfortable in one of life's most difficult situations. It was a very personal touch that made the difference to the employee and the success of the company, with no fanfare.
If someone asked you what you do, how would you answer them? My job is to help to make every employee's experience at CHG as enjoyable, comfortable and positive as it is to me.
Why did you choose to work at CHG? The first experiences at CHG were different from every other experience I have had in past employment. The atmosphere was uplifting and challenging – I wanted to succeed to remain a part of this culture.
What is your favorite event that you have participated in at CHG and why? United Way Day of Caring. I get to have fun with my coworkers and feel good about helping others.
What is your favorite core value at CHG? Integrity.
If you could choose your last meal, what would it be? 2 ¬Ω inch (pre-cooked) medium rare rib-eye, baked potato w/butter and sour cream, dinner roll with honey, small green side salad with honey-mustard dressing, corn on-the-cob and diet Mountain-Dew.
What five things would you take to a desert island? My wife, kids, ukulele, scriptures and seeds for a garden.
In a movie about your life, who would you choose to star as you? Clint Eastwood